§ 62.1-242. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
"Beneficial use" means both instream and offstream uses. Instreambeneficial uses include but are not limited to protection of fish andwildlife habitat, maintenance of waste assimilation, recreation, navigation,and cultural and aesthetic values. Offstream beneficial uses include but arenot limited to domestic (including public water supply), agricultural,electric power generation, commercial, and industrial uses. Domestic andother existing beneficial uses shall be considered the highest prioritybeneficial uses.
"Board" means the State Water Control Board.
"Nonconsumptive use" means the use of water withdrawn from a stream in sucha manner that it is returned to the stream without substantial diminution inquantity at or near the point from which it was taken and would not result inor exacerbate low flow conditions.
"Surface water withdrawal permit" means a document issued by the Boardevidencing the right to withdraw surface water.
"Surface water management area" means a geographically defined surfacewater area in which the Board has deemed the levels or supply of surfacewater to be potentially adverse to public welfare, health and safety.
"Surface water" means any water in the Commonwealth, except ground water,as defined in § 62.1-255.
(1989, c. 721; 1992, c. 812.)