§ 62.1-249. Applicability of permit conditions.
A. The Board by regulation shall determine when the level of flow is suchthat permit conditions in a surface water management area are in force. As apart of this regulation, the Board shall adopt a reasonable system ofwater-use classification according to classes of beneficial uses. The Boardmay include provisions for variances and alternative measures to preventundue hardship and ensure equitable distribution of water resources.
B. The regulations may provide that the Board, or the Board's ExecutiveDirector, by order may declare that the level of flow is such that permitconditions are applicable for all or part of a surface water management area.
C. The Board may impose such restrictions on one or more classes of wateruses as may be necessary to protect the surface water resources of the areafrom serious harm.
D. Regulations shall provide for the means for a declaration of watershortage to be rescinded.
E. When permit conditions become applicable in a surface water managementarea, the Board shall notify each permittee by mail or cause notice thereofto be published in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the area.Publication of such notice will serve as notice to all permit holders in thearea.
(1989, c. 721.)