§ 62.1-265. Drought relief wells.
A political subdivision, or an authority serving a political subdivision,holding a certificate of ground water right issued prior to July 1, 1992, ora permit to withdraw ground water issued prior to July 1, 1992, in theEastern Virginia or Eastern Shore Groundwater Management Areas, for theoperation of a public water supply well for the purpose of providingsupplemental water during drought conditions, shall file an application for aground water withdrawal permit on or before December 31, 1992. The Boardshall issue ground water withdrawal permits for supplemental drought reliefwells for the amount of ground water needed annually to meet humanconsumption needs as documented by a water conservation and management planapproved by the Board as provided in § 62.1-262. Any ground water withdrawalpermits for supplemental drought relief wells shall be issued with thecondition that withdrawals may only be made at times that mandatory water userestrictions have been implemented pursuant to the water conservation andmanagement plan.
(1992, c. 812.)