§ 62.1-44.14. Chairman; Executive Director; employment of personnel;supervision; budget preparation.
The Board shall elect its chairman, and the Executive Director shall beappointed as set forth in § 2.2-106. The Executive Director shall serve asexecutive officer and devote his whole time to the performance of his duties,and he shall have such administrative powers as are conferred upon him by theBoard; and, further, the Board may delegate to its Executive Director any ofthe powers and duties invested in it by this chapter except the adoption andpromulgation of standards, rules and regulations; and the revocation ofcertificates. The Executive Director is authorized to issue, modify or revokeorders in cases of emergency as described in §§ 62.1-44.15 (8b) and62.1-44.34:20 of this chapter. The Executive Director is further authorizedto employ such consultants and full-time technical and clerical workers asare necessary and within the available funds to carry out the purposes ofthis chapter.
It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to exercise generalsupervision and control over the quality and management of all state watersand to administer and enforce this chapter, and all certificates, standards,policies, rules, regulations, rulings and special orders promulgated by theBoard. The Executive Director shall prepare, approve, and submit all requestsfor appropriations and be responsible for all expenditures pursuant toappropriations.
(Code 1950, § 62.1-26; 1968, c. 659; 1970, c. 638; 1981, c. 620; 1984, c.444; 1985, c. 397; 1992, c. 456; 2005, c. 706.)