§ 62.1-44.15:01. Further duties of Board; localities particularly affected.
A. After June 30, 1994, before promulgating any regulation underconsideration or granting any variance to an existing regulation, or issuingany permit, if the Board finds that there are localities particularlyaffected by the regulation, variance or permit, the Board shall:
1. Publish, or require the applicant to publish, a notice in a local paper ofgeneral circulation in the localities affected at least 30 days prior to theclose of any public comment period. Such notice shall contain a statement ofthe estimated local impact of the proposed action, which at a minimum shallinclude information on the specific pollutants involved and the totalquantity of each that may be discharged.
2. Mail the notice to the chief elected official and chief administrativeofficer and planning district commission for those localities.
Written comments shall be accepted by the Board for at least 15 days afterany hearing on the regulation, variance or permit, unless the Board votes toshorten the period.
For the purposes of this section, the term "locality particularly affected"means any locality that bears any identified disproportionate material waterquality impact that would not be experienced by other localities.
B. On or after January 1, 2007, the Board shall ensure that all wetlandinventory maps that identify the location of wetlands in the Commonwealth andthat are maintained by the Board be made readily available to the public. TheBoard shall notify the circuit court clerk's office and other appropriateofficials in each locality of the availability of the wetland inventory mapsand request that the locality provide information in the location where theland records of the locality are maintained on the availability of thewetland inventory maps as well as the potential Virginia Water ProtectionPermit requirements.
(1993, c. 944; 2005, c. 478.)