§ 62.1-44.15:3. When application for permit considered complete.
A. No application submitted to the Board for a new individual VirginiaPollutant Discharge Elimination permit authorizing a new discharge of sewage,industrial wastes, or other wastes shall be considered complete unless itcontains notification from the county, city, or town in which the dischargeis to take place that the location and operation of the discharging facilityare consistent with applicable ordinances adopted pursuant to Chapter 22 (§15.2-2200 et seq.) of Title 15.2. The county, city, or town shall inform inwriting the applicant and the Board of the discharging facility's complianceor noncompliance not more than thirty days from receipt by the chiefadministrative officer, or his agent, of a request from the applicant. Shouldthe county, city, or town fail to provide such written notification withinthirty days, the requirement for such notification is waived. The provisionsof this subsection shall not apply to any discharge for which a validcertificate had been issued prior to March 10, 2000.
B. No application for a certificate to discharge sewage into or adjacent tostate waters from a privately owned wastewater treatment system serving fiftyor more residences shall be considered complete unless the applicant hasprovided the Executive Director with notification from the State CorporationCommission that the applicant is incorporated in the Commonwealth and is incompliance with all regulations and relevant orders of the State CorporationCommission.
(1987, c. 132; 1990, c. 14; 1993, c. 606; 1994, cc. 262, 549; 1995, c. 256;2000, cc. 19, 98; 2001, c. 492.)