§ 62.1-44.15:5.1. General permit for certain water quality improvementactivities.
A. The Board shall coordinate the development of a general permit foractivities such as bioengineered streambank stabilization projects andlivestock stream crossings that: (i) are coverable by the Nationwide PermitProgram (33 C.F.R. Part 330) of the United States Army Corps of Engineers andfor which certification has not been waived by the Board; (ii) areconservation practices designed and supervised by a soil and waterconservation district; (iii) meet the design standards of the Department ofConservation and Recreation and the United States Department of Agriculture'sNatural Resource Conservation Service; and (iv) are intended to improve waterquality. The development of the general permit shall be exempt from Article 2(§ 2.2-4006 et seq.) of the Administrative Process Act.
B. The development of the general permit shall be a coordinated effortbetween the Department of Environmental Quality, the Virginia MarineResources Commission and such other agencies as may be needed to develop asingle, unified, process that will expedite the implementation of theprojects described in subsection A and unify and streamline the permittingprocess for such projects.
C. A general permit pursuant to this section shall be promulgated as final byJuly 1, 1998.
(1997, c. 845.)