§ 62.1-44.19. Approval of sewerage systems and sewage treatment works.
A. Before any owner may erect, construct, open, expand or operate a seweragesystem or sewage treatment works which will have a potential discharge oractual discharge to state waters, such owner shall file with the Board anapplication for a certificate in scope and detail satisfactory to the Board.
B. If the application involves a system or works from which there is or is tobe a discharge to state waters, the application shall be given public noticeby publication once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the county or city where the certificate is applied for or bysuch other means as the Board may prescribe. Before issuing the certificate,the Board shall consult with and give consideration to the writtenrecommendations of the State Department of Health pertaining to theprotection of public health. Upon completion of advertising, the Board shalldetermine if the application is complete, and if so, shall act upon it within21 days of such determination. The Board shall approve such application if itdetermines that minimum treatment requirements will be met and that thedischarge will not result in violations of water quality standards. If theBoard disapproves the application, it shall state what modifications orchanges, if any, will be required for approval.
C. After the certificate has been issued or amended by the Board, the ownershall acquire from the Department of Environmental Quality (i) authorizationto construct the systems or works for which the Board has issued a dischargecertificate and (ii) upon completion of construction, authorization tooperate the sewerage system or sewage treatment works. These authorizationsshall be obtained in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Board.
D. Any owner operating under a valid certificate issued by the Board whofails to meet water quality standards established by the Board solely as aresult of a change in water quality standards or in the law shall provide thenecessary facilities approved by the Department of Environmental Quality, inaccordance with the provisions of subsection C of this section, within areasonable time to meet such new requirements. The Board may amend suchcertificate, or revoke it and issue a new one to reflect such facilitiesafter proper hearing, with at least 30 days' notice to the owner of the time,place and purpose thereof. If such revocation or amendment of a certificateis mutually agreeable to the Board and the owner involved, the hearing andnotice may be dispensed with.
E. The Board shall revoke the certificate in case of a failure to comply withall such requirements and may issue a special order under subdivisions (8a),(8b), and (8c) of § 62.1-44.15.
(Code 1950, § 62.1-33; 1968, c. 659; 1970, c. 638; 1976, c. 661; 1991, c.194; 2003, c. 614.)