§ 62.1-44.19:11. Citizen water quality monitoring program.
A. The Department of Environmental Quality shall establish a citizen waterquality monitoring program to provide technical assistance and may providegrants to support citizen water quality monitoring groups if (i) themonitoring is done pursuant to a memorandum of agreement with the Department,(ii) the project or activity is consistent with the Department ofEnvironmental Quality's water quality monitoring program, (iii) themonitoring is conducted in a manner consistent with the Virginia CitizensMonitoring Methods Manual, and (iv) the location of the water qualitymonitoring activity is part of the water quality control plan required under§ 62.1-44.19:5. The results of such citizen monitoring shall not be used asevidence in any enforcement action.
B. It shall be the goal of the Department to encourage citizen water qualitymonitoring so that 3,000 stream miles are monitored by volunteer citizens by2010.
(2002, c. 708; 2007, c. 29.)