§ 62.1-44.19:3.1. Certification of sewage sludge land applicators.
A. The Board, with the assistance of the Department of Health, and theDepartment of Professional and Occupational Regulation shall adoptregulations and standards for training, testing, and certification of personsland applying Class B sewage sludge in the Commonwealth, and for revoking,suspending, or denying such certification from any person for cause. Theregulations shall include standards and criteria for the approval of programsof instruction taught by governmental entities and by the private sector forthe purpose of certifying sewage sludge land applicators. The Board shallpromulgate the regulations and standards required by this subsection no laterthan July 1, 2008.
B. No person shall land apply Class B sewage sludge pursuant to a permitunder § 62.1-44.19:3 unless a certified sewage sludge land applicator isonsite at all times during such land application, as of 180 days followingthe effective date of regulations required by this section.
(2007, cc. 881, 929.)