§ 62.1-44.19:3.3. Septage disposal.
The Board shall have the authority to issue permits that prescribe the termsand conditions upon which septage may be disposed of by land application.Application for disposal permits shall be submitted in form and content thatare satisfactory to the Board. Upon receipt of a satisfactory application,the Board shall send a copy to the State Board of Health and shall complywith the provisions of § 62.1-44.19:3.4. The State Board of Health shallreview the application without delay and advise the Board within 60 days ofthe requirements necessary to protect public health. The Board shall notconsider the application complete until comments have been received from theState Board of Health. The Board shall approve or disapprove the applicationand issue the permit as appropriate. If the application is disapproved, theBoard shall advise the applicant of the conditions necessary to obtainapproval. The Board may summarily revoke or amend the permit if it determinesthat the septage disposal is adversely affecting state waters or if the StateBoard of Health notifies the Board that public health is being adverselyaffected.
(2007, cc. 881, 929.)