§ 62.1-44.19:3.4. Notification of local governing bodies.
A. Whenever the Department receives an application for land disposal oftreated sewage, stabilized sewage sludge, or stabilized septage, theDepartment shall notify the local governing bodies where disposal is to takeplace of pertinent details of the proposal and establish a date for a publicmeeting to discuss technical issues relating to the proposal. The Departmentshall give notice of the date, time, and place of the public meeting and adescription of the proposal by publication in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the city or county where land disposal is to take place.Public notice of the scheduled meeting shall occur no fewer than seven ormore than 14 days prior to the meeting. The Board shall not issue the permitfor land disposal until the public meeting has been held and comment has beenreceived from the local governing body, or until 30 days have lapsed from thedate of the public meeting. This section shall not apply to applications forseptic tank permits.
B. When a farm is to be added to an existing permit authorizing landapplication of sewage sludge, the Department shall notify persons residing onproperty bordering such farm, and shall receive written comments from thosepersons for a period not to exceed 30 days. Based upon the written comments,the Department shall determine whether additional site-specific requirementsshould be included in the authorization for land application at the farm.
(2007, cc. 881, 929; 2009, c. 42.)