§ 62.1-44.19:9. Transmission of toxics information.
The Virginia Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Qualityshall cooperate, in accordance with a memorandum of agreement to be signed bythe Commissioner of Health and the Director of the Department ofEnvironmental Quality, to ensure the timely transmission and evaluation ofreliable water quality and fish advisory information. The memorandum ofagreement, at a minimum, shall include specific time frames for the (i)transfer of information from the Department of Environmental Quality to theVirginia Department of Health; (ii) assessments and recommendations to bemade by the Virginia Department of Health, when the toxicity of the substanceis known; and (iii) transmission of the Virginia Department of Health'sassessments and recommendations to the Department of Environmental Qualityand the dissemination of the assessments and recommendations to the public.Copies of the proposed memorandum of agreement shall be provided to theChairmen of the House Committees on Conservation and Natural Resources andChesapeake and Its Tributaries and the Senate Committee on Agriculture,Conservation and Natural Resources at least one month prior to finalsignature by the heads of the two agencies but no later than December 1,2000. Any revision of the agreement shall be submitted to the chairmen ofthese committees no later than one month prior to adoption by the VirginiaDepartment of Health and the Department of Environmental Quality.
(2000, cc. 17, 1043.)