§ 62.1-44.34:19. Reporting of discharge.
A. Any person discharging or causing or permitting a discharge of oil into orupon state waters, lands, or storm drain systems within the Commonwealth ordischarging or causing or permitting a discharge of oil which may reasonablybe expected to enter state waters, lands, or storm drain systems within theCommonwealth, and any operator of any facility, vehicle or vessel from whichthere is a discharge of oil into state waters, lands, or storm drain systems,or from which there is a discharge of oil which may reasonably be expected toenter state waters, lands, or storm drain systems, shall, immediately uponlearning of the discharge, notify the Board, the director or coordinator ofemergency services appointed pursuant to § 44-146.19 for the politicalsubdivision in which the discharge occurs and any other political subdivisionreasonably expected to be affected by the discharge, and appropriate federalauthorities of such discharge. Notice will be deemed to have been given underthis section for any discharge of oil to state lands in amounts less thantwenty-five gallons if the recordkeeping requirements of subsection C of §62.1-44.34:19.2 have been met and the oil has been cleaned up in accordancewith the requirements of this article.
B. Observations and data gathered as a result of the monthly and quarterlyinspection activities required by § 62.1-44.34:15.1 (1) (d) shall bemaintained on site pursuant to § 62.1-44.34:19.2, and compiled into asummary, on a form developed by the Board, such summary to be submitted tothe Board annually on a schedule established by the Board. Should any suchobservations or data indicate the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons inground water, the results shall be reported immediately to the Board and tothe local director or coordinator of emergency services appointed pursuant to§ 44-146.19.
(1978, c. 816; 1990, cc. 917, 962; 1992, c. 456.)