§ 62.1-44.34:21. Administrative fees.
A. The Board is authorized to collect from any applicant for approval of anoil discharge contingency plan and from any operator seeking acceptance ofevidence of financial responsibility fees sufficient to meet, but not exceed,the costs of the Board related to implementation of § 62.1-44.34:15 as to anapplicant for approval of an oil discharge contingency plan and of §62.1-44.34:16 as to an operator seeking acceptance of evidence of financialresponsibility. The Board shall establish by regulation a schedule of feesthat takes into account the nature and type of facility and the effect of anyprior professional certification or federal review or approval on the levelof review required by the Board. All such fees received by the Board shallbe used exclusively to implement the provisions of this article.
B. Fees charged an applicant should reflect the average time and complexityof processing approvals in each of the various categories.
C. When adopting regulations for fees, the Board shall take into account thefees charged in neighboring states, and the importance of not placingexisting or prospective industries in the Commonwealth at a competitivedisadvantage. Within six months of receipt of any federal moneys that wouldoffset the costs of implementing this article, the Board shall review theamount of fees set by regulation to determine the amount of fees which shouldbe refunded. Such refunds shall only be required if the fees plus thefederal moneys received for the implementation of the program under thisarticle as it applies to facilities exceed the actual cost to the Board ofadministering the program.
D. On October 1, 1995, and every two years thereafter, the Board shall makean evaluation of the implementation of the fee programs and provide thisevaluation in writing to the Senate Committees on Agriculture, Conservationand Natural Resources, and Finance; and the House Committees onAppropriations, Chesapeake and Its Tributaries, and Finance.
(1990, c. 917; 1992, c. 345.)