§ 62.1-44.9. Qualifications of members.
A. Members of the Board shall be citizens of the Commonwealth; shall beselected from the Commonwealth at large for merit without regard to politicalaffiliation; and shall, by character and reputation, reasonably be expectedto inspire the highest degree of cooperation and confidence in the work ofthe Board. Members shall, by their education, training, or experience, beknowledgeable of water quality control and regulation and shall be fairlyrepresentative of conservation, public health, business, and agriculture. Noperson shall become a member of the Board who receives, or during theprevious two years has received, a significant portion of his income directlyor indirectly from certificate or permit holders or applicants for acertificate or permit.
For the purposes of this section, "significant portion of income" means 10percent or more of gross personal income for a calendar year, except that itmeans 50 percent or more of gross personal income for a calendar year if therecipient is over 60 years of age and is receiving that portion underretirement, pension, or similar arrangement. Income includes retirementbenefits, consultant fees, and stock dividends. Income is not receiveddirectly or indirectly from certificate or permit holders or applicants forcertificates or permits when it is derived from mutual fund payments, or fromother diversified investments for which the recipient does not know theidentity of the primary sources of income.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section relating to Boardmembership, the qualifications for Board membership shall not be more strictthan those that are required by federal statute or regulations of the UnitedStates Environmental Protection Agency.
(Code 1950, § 62.1-21; 1968, c. 659; 1970, c. 638; 1994, c. 461; 2008, cc.276, 557.)