§ 62.1-69.29. Membership; terms; vacancies.
The membership of the Commission shall consist of 34 members, which includes17 legislative members and 17 nonlegislative citizen members, to be appointedas follows: 10 members of the House of Delegates, one member each of theFifteenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Fifty-fourth,Fifty-eighth, Eighty-eighth, Ninety-eighth and Ninety-ninth House ofDelegates Districts, as those districts existed on January 1, 2002; sevenmembers of the Senate, one member each of the Fourth, Seventeenth,Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighthSenatorial Districts, as those districts existed on January 1, 2002; onemember or designee of each of the 16 governing bodies of the jurisdictions inwhich not less than two percent of the jurisdiction is found wholly orpartially within the Rappahannock River Basin, that at any time pass aresolution containing the language required by § 62.1-69.26, to be appointedby the respective local governing body; and one member or designee of a Soiland Water Conservation District found wholly or partially within theRappahannock River Basin, to be appointed jointly by the Soil and WaterConservation Districts found wholly or partially within the RappahannockRiver Basin. Nonlegislative citizen members of the Commission shall becitizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
All members of the Commission shall serve terms coincident with their termsof office. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of aterm, shall be for the unexpired terms. All members may be reappointed.Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
For the purposes of this section, "nonlegislative citizen member" means amember of one of the local governing bodies or the Soil and WaterConservation Districts of the jurisdictions found wholly or partially withinthe Rappahannock River Basin.
(1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2004, c. 471; 2009, c. 601.)