§ 62.1-69.43. Compensation and expenses.
A. Legislative members of the Virginia delegation to the Commission shallreceive such compensation as provided in § 30-19.12, and nonlegislativemembers shall receive such compensation for the performance of their dutiesas provided in § 2.2-2813. All voting members shall be reimbursed for allreasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their dutiesas provided in § § 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. However, all such expenses shall bepaid from existing appropriations and funds provided to the Commission or, ifunfunded, shall be approved by the Joint Rules Committee.
Members of the Virginia House of Delegates and the Senate of Virginia, andmembers of the Virginia Congressional delegation, who have not been appointedto the Commission, whose districts include any portion of the Basin, and whoserve as nonvoting ex officio members of the Commission shall serve withoutcompensation and expenses.
Nonlegislative citizen members appointed to any standing committees or ad hoccommittees shall serve without compensation and expenses.
B. The North Carolina members of the Commission shall receive per diem,subsistence, and travel expenses as follows:
1. Ex officio legislative members who are members of the General Assembly atthe rate established in North Carolina G.S. 138-6;
2. Commission members who are officials or employees of the State or of localgovernment agencies at the rate established in North Carolina G.S. 138-6; and
3. All other members at the rate established in North Carolina G.S. 138-5.
(2002, cc. 657, 843; 2003, c. 885.)