§ 62.1-79.2. Appointment, terms and expenses of member and alternate.
The Governor of Virginia shall appoint from the Commonwealth at large onecitizen who shall serve as a member of the Ohio River Basin Commission andone citizen who shall serve as an alternate member of such Commission. Theterms of both appointments shall be for four years and, upon expiration,their successors shall be appointed in the same manner. Members and alternatemembers of this Commission representing the Commonwealth of Virginia shallreceive no compensation for their services, but shall be reimbursed for theiractual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(1972, c. 294.)
§ 62.1-79.2.
An Act to authorize participation in the Ohio River Basin Commission; toauthorize the Governor to make certain appointments to such Commission and tofix the terms and compensation of appointees; and to appropriate funds.
[H 493]
Approved April 1, 1972
Whereas, on February thirteen, nineteen hundred seventy-one, PresidentRichard M. Nixon issued Executive Order 11578, establishing the Ohio RiverBasin Commission; and
Whereas, the jurisdiction of such Commission extends to potions of theCommonwealth of Virginia and other states with lands lying within the OhioRiver drainage basin; and
Whereas, Executive Order 11578 provides that one citizen of the Commonwealthof Virginia shall serve on the membership of such Commission when authorizedby the Virginia General Assembly to do so; and
Whereas, Virginia has participated in and been consulted by the Commission onall matters affecting that portion of Virginia lying within the Ohio RiverBasin since the official formation of the Commission; now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. § 1. The General Assembly of Virginia hereby recognizes the establishmentof the Ohio River Basin Commission, declares that its purpose is within thebest interests of the Commonwealth of Virginia and authorizes participationby the Commonwealth in its activities.
§ 2. The Governor of Virginia shall appoint from the States at large onecitizen who shall serve as a member of the Ohio River Basin Commission andone citizen who shall serve as an alternate member of such Commission. Theterms of both appointments shall be for four years and, upon expiration,their successors shall be appointed in the same manner. Members andalternate members of this Commission representing the Commonwealth ofVirginia shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall bereimbursed for their actual expenses incurred in the performance of theirduties.
§ 3. There is hereby appropriated from the General Fund of the State treasurythe sum of sixteen thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($16,250) forparticipation in the Ohio River Basin Commission, of which six thousand twohundred fifty dollars ($6,250) shall be for participation during the fiscalyears nineteen hundred seventy-one and nineteen hundred seventy-two and tenthousand dollars ($10,000) for the 1972-74 biennium.