§ 62.1-73. Appointment and removal of Virginia members of Commission.
In pursuance of Article IV of said compact there shall be three members ofthe Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission from Virginia. One memberof the Commission shall be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmationby the General Assembly, from the membership of the State Water Control Boardcontinued under § 62.1-44.7. The term of the commissioner shall be coincidentwith that of his term upon the State Water Control Board. Any vacancy in theoffice of the commissioner shall be filled by appointment by the Governor.The second Virginia member of the Commission shall be the Director of theDepartment of Environmental Quality. The third Virginia member shall be theDirector of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Any member of theCommission appointed pursuant to this section who cannot be present at ameeting of the Commission, or at any committee or subcommittee of theCommission, may designate any employee of the Department of EnvironmentalQuality, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, or a member of theState Water Control Board to attend the meeting and vote on his behalf.
Any commissioner may be removed from office by the Governor.
(Code 1950, § 62-67.4; 1968, c. 659; 2005, c. 517; 2009, c. 467.)