§ 62.1-81. "Waters of the Commonwealth" defined.
The term "waters of the Commonwealth" as used in this chapter shall mean:(a) Any stream or that portion of any stream in this Commonwealth which priorto June 21, 1932, has been declared navigable by any unrepealed statute ofthis Commonwealth, or (b) any stream or that portion of any stream in thisCommonwealth, the bed of which is owned by the Commonwealth, or (c) thoseparts of streams or other bodies of water in this Commonwealth which eitherin their natural or improved condition, notwithstanding interruptions betweenthe navigable parts of such streams or waters by falls, shallows, or rapids,compelling land carriage, are used or suitable for use for the transportationof persons or property in interstate or foreign commerce, including thereinall such interrupting falls, shallows or rapids, and also any stream or partthereof in this Commonwealth other than those above mentioned in thissubdivision in which the construction of any dam or works as authorized bythis chapter would affect the interests of interstate or foreign commerce, or(d) that portion of any river or stream flowing between the high-water markon the Virginia shore and the low-water mark when such low-water markconstitutes the boundary line between Virginia and another state.
(Code 1950, § 62-69; 1956, c. 229; 1968, c. 659.)