§ 62.1-85. License required to construct dam; application.
The construction or reconstruction of any such dam as is mentioned in §62.1-83 shall not be begun until the person, firm, association, corporation,private or municipal, or public utility as defined in § 56-232 proposing toconstruct or reconstruct the same shall first obtain a license so to do fromthe State Corporation Commission. The application for such license shall befiled with the Commission and in it all the essential facts shall be statedto enable the Commission to pass upon its merits. A copy of such applicationshall also be filed by the applicant with the Executive Director of the StateWater Control Board within ten days after filing such application with theState Corporation Commission. Each application for license shall beaccompanied by such maps, plans and other information as may be necessary togive a clear and full understanding of the proposed scheme of development,and of dams, generating stations or other major structures, if any, involvedtherein.
(Code 1950, § 62-73; 1968, c. 659; 1982, c. 183.)