§ 62.1-97. Proceedings on violation of terms of license or of provisions ofchapter or regulations.
In event of violation by the licensee of any of the terms of a license, orfor the purpose of remedying by injunction, mandamus or other process any actof commission or omission by the licensee in violation of any of theprovisions of this chapter, or of any lawful regulation or order promulgatedin pursuance thereof, the Attorney General of this Commonwealth shall, uponrequest of the Commission, institute proceedings in the Circuit Court of theCity of Richmond in the name of the Commonwealth at the relation of theCommission for the purpose of compelling the licensee to comply with theprovisions of the license or of this chapter, or for the purpose of revokingthe right of the licensee to proceed further under the license, or similarlyas to a specified portion or portions of the development which is underlicense. The court shall have jurisdiction over all of the above-mentionedproceedings and shall be empowered to issue and execute all necessary processand to make and enforce all writs, orders and decrees to compel compliancewith the lawful orders and regulations of the Commission and to compel theperformance of any condition imposed under the provisions of this chapter. Ifa decree is entered by the court revoking the right of the licensee toproceed further with the development under license, or similarly with respectto a specified portion or portions of the development under license, thecourt is empowered to sell at public sale to the highest responsible bidderthe property and rights of the licensee used or useful in connection withsuch development or such specified portion thereof, to distribute theproceeds to the parties entitled thereto and to make and enforce such furtheror other orders and decrees as equity and justice may require. At such saleor sales the vendee shall succeed to the rights and privileges of thelicensee with respect to such development or such specified portion thereofand shall perform all the duties of the licensee under the license and assumeall such outstanding obligations and liabilities of the licensee as the courtmay deem equitable in the premises.
(Code 1950, § 62-86; 1968, c. 659.)