§ 62.1-99. Water-power developments constructed or acquired prior to certaindate.
Section 12 of Chapter 424 of the Acts of 1928, approved March 24, 1928, asamended by Chapter 346 of the Acts of 1932, approved March 26, 1932, codifiedas § 3581 (13) of Michie Code 1942 and as § 62-88 of the Code of Virginia of1950, relating to water-power developments constructed or acquired prior toJanuary 1, 1928, and being utilized on that date or within two years priorthereto, or upon which, between January 1, 1923, and June 17, 1928, not lessthan $50,000 had been expended, is continued in effect.
(Code 1950, § 62-88; 1968, c. 659.)