§ 62.1-118. Appointment of commissioners; time of meeting.
On proof of the notice, the court shall, by its order, appoint fivedisinterested freeholders of such county, as commissioners (any three of whommay act), whose duty it shall be to meet on a certain day to be specified inthe order, at the lands on which the mill, machine, manufactory or enginestands, or is proposed to be built, or the work aforesaid is proposed to beconstructed, or if they fail to meet on that day, on such subsequent day asthey may designate, notice of which shall be given to the parties interestedin the manner prescribed by § 62.1-117; and after they have met, they mayadjourn from day to day until their business is completed.
(Code 1950, § 62-97; 1968, c. 659.)