§ 63.2-1104. Children from other states and countries.
A. Any child-placing agency or court that brings or sends, or causes to bebrought or sent, a nonresident child into Virginia for the purpose of aninterstate placement shall comply with the regulations and procedures adoptedby the Board for the administration of the Interstate Compact on thePlacement of Children (§ 63.2-1000 et seq.) regardless of whether the statefrom which the child is sent is a party to the compact. The agency shall alsocomply with all the regulations of the Board relating to nonresident childrenso brought or sent into the Commonwealth. Intercountry placements made bylicensed child-placing agencies, courts, or other entities are subject toregulations prescribed by the Board.
B. The Board is authorized to adopt regulations for the bringing or sendingof such children into the Commonwealth by child-placing agencies or courtsfor the purpose of an interstate placement, and for the care, maintenance,supervision and control of all children so brought or sent into theCommonwealth until they have been adopted, attained their majority, or havebeen otherwise lawfully discharged or released, as are reasonably conduciveto the welfare of such children and as comply with the provisions of theInterstate Compact on the Placement of Children (§ 63.2-1000 et seq.).
(Code 1950, § 63-245; 1968, c. 578, § 63.1-207; 1975, c. 406; 1977, c. 645;1980, c. 40; 1981, c. 75; 2002, c. 747.)