§ 63.2-1209. Entry of interlocutory order.
If, in the case of a direct parental placement adoption pursuant to §63.2-1230 or in circumstances in which an interlocutory order is necessary inan agency adoption, after considering the home study or any required report,the circuit court is satisfied that all of the applicable requirements havebeen complied with, that the petitioner is financially able to maintainadequately, except as provided in Chapter 13 (§ 63.2-1300 et seq.) of thistitle, and is morally suitable and a proper person to care for and train thechild, that the child is suitable for adoption by the petitioner, and thatthe best interests of the child will be promoted by the adoption, it shallenter an interlocutory order of adoption declaring that henceforth, subjectto the probationary period hereinafter provided for and to the provisions ofthe final order of adoption, the child will be, to all intents and purposes,the child of the petitioner. If the petition includes a prayer for a changeof the child's name and the circuit court is satisfied that such change is inthe best interests of the child, upon entry of final order, the name of thechild shall be changed. An attested copy of every interlocutory order ofadoption shall be forwarded forthwith by the clerk of the circuit court inwhich it was entered to the Commissioner and to the licensed or dulyauthorized child-placing agency or the local director that prepared therequired home study or report. The agency or director shall, after receipt ofthe attested copy of the interlocutory order of adoption, prepare a report ofvisitation pursuant to § 63.2-1212.
If the circuit court denies the petition for adoption and if it appears tothe circuit court that the child is without proper care, custody orguardianship, the circuit court may, in its discretion, appoint a guardianfor the child or commit the child to a custodial agency as provided for in §§16.1-278.2, 16.1-278.3 and 31-5, respectively.
(Code 1950, § 63-352; 1954, c. 489; 1964, c. 429; 1968, c. 578, § 63.1-226;1974, c. 507; 1975, c. 364; 1989, c. 647; 1991, c. 534; 1992, c. 607; 2000,c. 830, § 63.1-219.16; 2002, c. 747; 2009, c. 805.)