§ 63.2-1220. Issuance of birth certificates for children adopted in theCommonwealth and from foreign countries.
A. For the purpose of securing a new birth certificate for an adopted child,the procedures set forth in § 32.1-262 shall be followed.
B. Adoptive parents who are residents of the Commonwealth may petition thecircuit court in the city or county where they reside for a report ofadoption when the adoptive parents are seeking a Virginia certificate ofbirth for a child adopted in a foreign country that has post-adoptionreporting requirements and with whom the United States has diplomaticrelations. The adoptive parents shall provide the circuit court withevidence, such as an admission stamp in the child's passport, that the childwas admitted to the United States with an immediate relative immigrant visa(IR-3), a report of adoption on a form furnished by the State Registrar ofVital Records, completed post-adoption reports, and a signed affidavitstating that any outstanding post-adoption requirements shall be met asrequired by the foreign country. The affidavit shall also include the name bywhich the child is to be known. The circuit court shall review all documentsprovided by the adoptive parents. If the circuit court finds that allrequirements of this subsection have been met, the circuit court may issuethe report of adoption to the State Registrar for issuance of a Virginiacertificate of birth in accordance with § 32.1-262.
C. Except as provided in subsection B, adoptive parents seeking to have achild from a foreign country adopted or who choose to readopt a child from aforeign country in Virginia shall comply with all adoption requirements ofthis chapter in order to get a Virginia certificate of birth.
(1970, c. 672, § 63.1-221.1; 2000, c. 830, § 63.1-219.27; 2002, c. 747; 2003,c. 985.)