§ 63.2-1223. Revocation of entrustment agreement.
A valid entrustment agreement terminating all parental rights andresponsibilities to the child shall be revocable by either of the birthparents until (i) the child has reached the age of 10 days and (ii) sevendays have elapsed from the date of execution of the agreement. In addition, avalid entrustment agreement shall be revocable by either of the birth parentsif the child has not been placed in the physical custody of the prospectiveadoptive parents at the time of such revocation. Revocation of an entrustmentagreement shall be in writing and signed by the revoking party. The writtenrevocation shall be delivered to the child-placing agency or local board towhich the child was originally entrusted. Delivery of the written revocationshall be made during the business day of the child-placing agency or localboard to which the child was originally entrusted, in accordance with theapplicable time period set out in this section. If the revocation periodexpires on a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or any day on which the agencyor local board is officially closed, the revocation period shall be extendedto the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or other day onwhich the agency or local board is officially closed. Upon revocation of theentrustment agreement, the child shall be returned to the parent revoking theagreement.
(1989, c. 647, § 63.1-220.2; 1990, c. 202; 1991, c. 364; 1995, cc. 772, 826;1999, c. 1028; 2000, c. 830, § 63.1-219.30; 2002, c. 747; 2006, cc. 825, 848;2007, cc. 606, 623.)