§ 63.2-1228. Forwarding of petition.
Upon the filing of the petition, the circuit court shall, upon beingsatisfied as to proper jurisdiction and venue, immediately enter an orderreferring the case to a child-placing agency to conduct an investigation andprepare a report pursuant to § 63.2-1208. Upon entry of the order ofreference, the court shall forward a copy of the petition and all exhibitsthereto to the Commissioner and to the agency that placed the child. In caseswhere the child was placed by an agency in another state, or by an agency,court, or other entity in another country, the petition and all exhibitsshall be forwarded to the local director or licensed child-placing agency,whichever agency completed the home study or provided supervision. If noVirginia agency provided such services, or such agency is no longer licensedor has gone out of business, the petition and all exhibits shall be forwardedto the local director of the locality where the petitioners reside or residedat the time of filing the petition, or had legal residence at the time of thefiling of the petition.
(Code 1950, § 63-349; 1954, c. 489; 1956, c. 489; 1956, c. 187; 1962, c. 603;1964, c. 429; 1968, cc. 346, 578, § 63.1-223; 1974, cc. 26, 493, 507; 1975,c. 364; 1978, c. 730; 1980, c. 740; 1982, c. 115; 1988, cc. 579, 599, 882;1989, c. 647; 1992, c. 607; 1993, c. 553; 1995, cc. 772, 826; 2000, c. 830, §63.1-219.35; 2002, c. 747; 2006, cc. 825, 848.)