§ 63.2-1229. Foster parent adoption.
When a foster parent who has a child placed in the foster parents' home by alicensed or duly authorized child-placing agency desires to adopt the childand (i) the child has resided in the home of such foster parent continuouslyfor at least eighteen months and (ii) the birth parents' rights to the childhave been terminated, the circuit court shall accept the petition filed bythe foster parent and shall order a thorough investigation of the matter tobe made pursuant to § 63.2-1208. The circuit court may refer the matter forinvestigation to a licensed or duly authorized child-placing agency otherthan the agency holding custody of the child. Upon completion of theinvestigation and report and filing of the consent of the agency holdingcustody of the child, or upon the finding contemplated by § 63.2-1205, thecircuit court may enter a final order of adoption waiving visitationrequirements, if the circuit court determines that the adoption is in thebest interests of the child.
(Code 1950, § 63-348; 1952, c. 550; 1954, c. 489; 1956, c. 300; 1964, c. 459;1968, c. 578, § 63.1-221; 1970, c. 672; 1973, c. 406; 1975, c. 461; 1978, c.730; 1983, c. 614; 1988, c. 882; 1989, c. 647; 1991, cc. 76, 602; 1995, cc.772, 826; 2000, c. 830, § 63.1-219.36; 2002, c. 747; 2007, cc. 606, 623.)