§ 63.2-1231. Home study; meeting required; exception.
A. Prior to the consent hearing in the juvenile and domestic relationsdistrict court, a home study of the adoptive parent(s) shall be completed bya licensed or duly authorized child-placing agency and the prospectiveadoptive parents shall be informed that information about shaken babysyndrome, its effects, and resources for help and support for caretakers isavailable on a website maintained by the Department in accordance withregulations adopted by the Board. The home study shall make inquiry as to (i)whether the prospective adoptive parents are financially able, morallysuitable, and in satisfactory physical and mental health to enable them tocare for the child; (ii) the physical and mental condition of the child, ifknown; (iii) the circumstances under which the child came to live, or will beliving, in the home of the prospective adoptive family, as applicable; (iv)what fees have been paid by the prospective adoptive family or in theirbehalf in the placement and adoption of the child; (v) whether therequirements of subdivisions A 1, A 2, A 3, and A 5 of § 63.2-1232 have beenmet; and (vi) any other matters specified by the circuit court. In the courseof the home study, the agency social worker shall meet at least once with thebirth parent(s) and at least once with the prospective adoptive parents. Uponagreement of both parties, such meetings may occur simultaneously orseparately.
B. Any home study conducted pursuant to this section for the purpose ofparental placement or agency placement shall be valid for a period of 36months from the date of completion of the study. However, the Board may, byregulation, require an additional state criminal background check beforefinalizing an adoption if more than 18 months have passed from the completionof the home study.
(1989, c. 647, § 63.1-220.3; 1991, cc. 364, 602; 1992, c. 125; 1993, cc. 338,553; 1995, cc. 772, 826; 1999, c. 1028; 2000, c. 830, § 63.1-219.38; 2002, c.747; 2006, cc. 825, 848; 2007, c. 808; 2008, c. 494; 2010, c. 551.)