§ 63.2-1242. Investigation and report at discretion of circuit court.
For adoptions under this article, an investigation and report shall beundertaken only if the circuit court in its discretion determines that thereshould be an investigation before a final order of adoption is entered. Ifthe circuit court makes such a determination, it shall refer the matter tothe local director for an investigation and report to be completed withinsuch time as the circuit court designates. If an investigation is ordered,the circuit court shall forward a copy of the petition and all exhibitsthereto to the local director and the provisions of § 63.2-1208 shall apply.
(Code 1950, § 63-356.1; 1950, p. 626; 1956, c. 300; 1968, c. 578, § 63.1-231;1974, c. 421; 1975, c. 364; 1977, c. 526; 1979, c. 339; 1986, cc. 481, 482;1987, c. 482; 1992, c. 607; 1995, cc. 772, 826; 2000, c. 830, § 63.1-219.49;2002, c. 747.)