§ 63.2-1700. Application fees; regulations and schedules; use of fees;certain facilities, centers and agencies exempt.
The Board is authorized to adopt regulations and schedules for fees to becharged for processing applications for licenses to operate assisted livingfacilities, adult day care centers and child welfare agencies. Such schedulesshall specify minimum and maximum fees and, where appropriate, gradationsbased on the capacity of such facilities, centers and agencies. Fees shall beused for the development and delivery of training for operators and staff offacilities, centers and agencies. Fees shall be expended for this purposewithin two fiscal years following the fiscal year in which they arecollected. These fees shall not be applicable to facilities, centers oragencies operated by federal entities.
The Board, in consultation with the Child Day-Care Council, shall developtraining programs for operators and staffs of licensed child day programs.Such programs shall include formal and informal training offered byinstitutions of higher education, state and national associationsrepresenting child care professionals, local and regional early childhoodeducational organizations and licensed child care providers. Trainingprovided to operators and staffs of licensed child day programs shall includetraining and information regarding shaken baby syndrome, its effects, andresources for help and support for caretakers. To the maximum extentpossible, the Board shall ensure that all provider interests are representedand that no single approach to training shall be given preference.
(1983, c. 153, §§ 63.1-174.01, 63.1-196.5; 1988, c. 129; 1991, c. 532; 1992,c. 356, § 63.1-194.3; 1993, cc. 225, 730, 742, 957, 993; 1996, c. 492; 2002,c. 747; 2010, c. 551.)