§ 63.2-1702. Investigation on receipt of application.
Upon receipt of the application the Commissioner shall cause an investigationto be made of the activities, services and facilities of the applicant, ofthe applicant's financial responsibility, and of his character and reputationor, if the applicant is an association, partnership, limited liabilitycompany or corporation, the character and reputation of its officers andagents. In the case of child welfare agencies, the financial records of anapplicant shall not be subject to inspection if the applicant submits acurrent balance sheet and income statement accompanied by a letter from acertified public accountant certifying the accuracy thereof and three creditreferences. In the case of child welfare agencies and assisted livingfacilities, the character and reputation investigation upon application shallinclude background checks pursuant to § 63.2-1721; however, a children'sresidential facility shall comply with the background check requirementscontained in § 63.2-1726.
(Code 1950, §§ 63-223.2, 63-234, 63-235; 1954, c. 259; 1968, cc. 578, 585, §§63.1-176, 63.1-197, 63.1-198; 1972, c. 540; 1975, c. 439; 1985, c. 360; 1987,c. 693; 1992, cc. 356, 746 § 63.1-194.6; 1993, cc. 730, 742; 1995, c. 401;1996, c. 747; 1997, c. 427; 1998, cc. 551, 581; 2002, c. 747; 2005, cc. 610,924.)