§ 63.2-1738. Program leaders and child-care supervisors at licensed child daycenters; approved credential.
Program leaders and child-care supervisors employed by child day centers maypossess an approved credential. For purposes of this section:
"Approved credential" means a competency-based credential awarded toindividuals who work with children ages five and under in either a teaching,supervisory or administrative capacity and that is specifically awarded oradministered by the National Association for the Education of Young Children;the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs; the Association ofChristian Schools International; the American Association of ChristianSchools; the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation; the NationalAccreditation Council for Early Childhood Professional Personnel andPrograms; the International Academy for Private Education; the AmericanMontessori Society; the International Accreditation and Certification ofChildhood Educators, Programs, and Trainers; the National AccreditationCommission; the Virginia Community College System or other institution ofhigher learning; or its equivalent as determined by the Department.
"Program leader" or "child-care supervisor" means an individualdesignated to be responsible for the direct supervision of children and forthe implementation of the activities and services for a group of children ina licensed child day center.
(2002, c. 848, § 63.1-202.02; 2003, c. 467.)