§ 63.2-1803. Staffing of assisted living facilities.
A. An administrator of an assisted living facility shall be licensed as anassisted living facility administrator by the Virginia Board of Long-TermCare Administrators pursuant to Chapter 31 (§ 54.1-3100 et seq.) of Title54.1. However, an administrator of an assisted living facility licensed forresidential living care only shall not be required to be licensed. Any personmeeting the qualifications for a licensed nursing home administrator under §54.1-3103 shall be deemed qualified to (i) serve as an administrator of anassisted living facility or (ii) serve as the administrator of both anassisted living facility and a licensed nursing home, provided the assistedliving facility and licensed nursing home are part of the same building.
B. The assisted living facility shall have adequate, appropriate, andsufficient staff to provide services to attain and maintain (i) the physical,mental and psychosocial well-being of each resident as determined by residentassessments and individual plans of care and (ii) the physical safety of theresidents on the premises. Upon admission and upon request, the assistedliving facility shall provide in writing a description of the types of staffworking in the facility and the services provided, including the hours suchservices are available.
(Code 1950, §§ 63-222, 63-223; 1954, c. 259; 1968, c. 578, §§ 63.1-172,63.1-174; 1972, c. 718; 1973, c. 227; 1975, c. 437; 1977, c. 105; 1985, cc.17, 518; 1991, c. 532; 1992, c. 356; 1993, cc. 957, 993; 1994, c. 107; 1995,c. 649; 1997, c. 397; 1998, cc. 552, 850; 2000, cc. 804, 808, 845; 2001, c.161; 2002, c. 747; 2003, c. 467; 2005, cc. 610, 924.)