§ 63.2-1804. Uniform assessment instrument.
A uniform assessment instrument setting forth a resident's care needs shallbe completed for all residents upon admission and at subsequent intervals asdetermined by Board regulation. No uniform assessment instrument shall berequired to be completed upon admission if a uniform assessment instrumentwas completed by a case manager or other qualified assessor within ninetydays prior to such admission to the assisted living facility unless there hasbeen a change in the resident's condition within that time which would affectthe admission. Uniform assessment instruments shall not be required to becompleted more often than once every twelve months on individuals residing inassisted living facilities except that uniform assessment instruments shallbe completed whenever there is a change in the resident's condition thatappears to warrant a change in the resident's approved level of care. At therequest of the assisted living facility, the resident's representative, theresident's physician, the Department or the local department, an independentassessment, using the uniform assessment instrument shall be completed todetermine whether the resident's care needs are being met in the currentplacement. The resident's case manager or other qualified assessor shallcomplete the uniform assessment instrument for public pay residents or, uponrequest by the private pay resident, for private pay residents. Unless aprivate pay resident requests the uniform assessment instrument be completedby a case manager or other qualified assessor, qualified staff of theassisted living facility or an independent private physician may complete theuniform assessment instrument for private pay residents; however, for privatepay residents, social and financial information which is not relevant becauseof the resident's payment status shall not be required. The cost ofadministering the uniform assessment instrument pursuant to this sectionshall be borne by the entity designated pursuant to Board regulations. Uponreceiving the uniform assessment instrument prior to admission of a resident,the assisted living facility administrator shall provide written assurancethat the facility has the appropriate license to meet the care needs of theresident at the time of admission.
(1993, cc. 957, 993, § 63.1-173.3; 1995, c. 649; 2002, c. 747.)