§ 63.2-1809.1. Insurance notice requirements for family day homes; civilpenalty.
A. Any person who operates a family day home approved by a licensed familyday system, a licensed family day home, or a voluntarily registered familyday home shall furnish a written notice to the parent or guardian of eachchild under the care of the family day home, which states whether there isliability insurance in force to cover the operation of the family day home;provided, that no person under this section shall state that liabilityinsurance is in place to cover the operation of the family day home, unlessthere is a minimum amount of coverage as established by the Department.
B. Each parent or guardian shall acknowledge, in writing, receipt of suchnotice. In the event there is no longer insurance coverage, the personoperating the family day home shall (i) notify each parent or guardian within10 business days after the effective date of the change and (ii) obtainwritten acknowledgment of such notice. A copy of an acknowledgment requiredunder this section shall be maintained on file at the family day home at alltimes while the child attends the family day home and for 12 months after thechild's last date of attendance.
C. Any person who fails to give any notice required under this section shallbe subject to a civil penalty of up to $500 for each such failure.
(2006, c. 923; 2007, c. 594.)