§ 63.2-1907. Child support enforcement; private contracts.
A. Pursuant to the authority granted in § 63.2-1901, child supportenforcement field work administrative functions and central office paymentprocessing functions in the Commonwealth may be performed by privateentities. The Department shall supervise the administration of the childsupport enforcement program, let and monitor all contracts with privateentities and ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws andregulations. The Department may also enter into contracts with privatecollection agencies and other entities to effect the collection of childsupport arrearages. Contracts entered into pursuant to this section shall bein accordance with the applicable laws and regulations governing publicentities pursuant to the Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.). Anycontract to perform child support enforcement field work administrativefunctions and central office payment processing functions entered into by theDepartment shall contain a provision that the entity to whom the contract isawarded shall give employment preference to qualified persons whoseemployment with the Division of Child Support Enforcement is terminated as aresult of the privatization of child support enforcement functions.Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when hiring to fill vacantpositions within the Department, preference shall be given to qualifiedpersons who are unable to obtain employment with an entity who is awarded acontract to perform child support enforcement field work administrativefunctions and central office payment processing functions pursuant to thissection and whose employment with the Division of Child Support Enforcementis terminated as a result of the privatization of child support enforcementfunctions.
B. The Board shall establish guidelines to implement the Department'sresponsibilities under this section. Such guidelines shall specify proceduresby which child support enforcement funding mechanisms authorized by state andfederal law are allocated to fund central office and privatized child supportenforcement functions.
(1996, c. 1054, § 63.1-249.1; 1998, cc. 494, 499; 2002, cc. 262, 747.)