§ 63.2-1930. Civil liability upon failure to comply with lien, order, etc.
Should any person, firm, corporation, association, political subdivision ordepartment of this Commonwealth fail to answer an order to withhold anddeliver within the time prescribed herein, or fail or refuse to deliverproperty pursuant to said order, or after actual notice of filing of asupport lien, pay over, release, sell, transfer, or convey real or personalproperty subject to a support lien to or for the benefit of the debtor or anyother person, or fail or refuse to surrender upon demand property distrainedunder § 63.2-1933 or fail or refuse to honor a voluntary assignment of wagesunder § 63.2-1945 presented by the Commissioner, such person, firm,corporation, association, political subdivision or department of thisCommonwealth shall be liable to the Department in an amount equal to 100percent of the value of the debt which is the basis of the lien, order towithhold and deliver, distraint, or an income withholding order or voluntaryassignment of wages. A noncustodial parent's employer issued an incomewithholding order by first-class mail pursuant to § 63.2-1923 or § 63.2-1924shall not be liable to the Department unless the Department shows that suchemployer had actual notice of the withholding order.
(1974, c. 413, § 63.1-258; 1976, c. 357; 1985, c. 488; 2002, c. 747; 2003, c.469.)