§ 63.2-1939. Commissioner may make demand, file and serve liens, whenpayments appear in jeopardy.
If the Commissioner finds that the collection of any support debt based uponsubrogation to or authorization to enforce the amount of support ordered byany court order or decree of divorce is in jeopardy, he may make demand under§ 63.2-1916 for immediate payment of the support debt. Upon failure orrefusal immediately to pay such support debt, he may file and serve lienspursuant to §§ 63.2-1927 and 63.2-1928, without regard to the ten-day periodprovided for in § 63.2-1916. However, no further action under §§ 63.2-1929,63.2-1933 and 63.2-1934 may be taken until the notice requirements of §63.2-1916 are met.
(1974, c. 413, § 63.1-266; 1976, c. 357; 1988, c. 906; 2002, c. 747.)