§ 63.2-1945. Assignment of earnings to be honored; inapplicability of §40.1-31.
Any person, firm, corporation, association, political subdivision ordepartment of the Commonwealth employing a person owing a support debt orobligation, shall honor an assignment of earnings to satisfy or retire asupport debt or obligation of such person when ordered by the Commissioner bya payroll deduction order conforming to § 20-79.3. The rights and obligationsof employees with respect to an order issued pursuant to this section are setout in § 20-79.3. Payment of moneys pursuant to an assignment of earningspresented by the Commissioner shall serve as full acquittance under anycontract of employment, and the Commonwealth warrants and represents that itshall defend and hold harmless such action taken pursuant to such assignmentof earnings. The Commissioner shall be released from liability for improperreceipt of moneys under an assignment of earnings upon return of any moneysso received.
Any assignment of earnings presented under this section shall not be subjectto the requirements set forth in § 40.1-31.
(1974, c. 413, § 63.1-272; 1976, c. 357; 1980, c. 243; 1983, c. 481; 1984, c.626; 1990, c. 896; 2002, c. 747.)