§ 63.2-603. Eligibility for TANF; childhood immunizations.
An applicant for TANF shall provide verification that all eligible childrennot enrolled in school, a licensed family day home, or a licensed child daycenter, have received immunizations in accordance with § 32.1-46. However, ifan eligible child has not received immunizations in accordance with §32.1-46, verification shall be provided at the next scheduled redeterminationof eligibility for TANF after initial eligibility is granted that the childhas received at least one dose of each of the immunizations required by §32.1-46 as appropriate for the child's age and that the child's physician orthe local health department has developed a plan for completing theimmunizations. Verification of compliance with the plan for completing theimmunizations shall be presented at subsequent redeterminations ofeligibility for TANF.
If necessary, the local department shall provide assistance to the TANFrecipient in obtaining verification from immunization providers. No sanctionmay be imposed until the reason for the failure to comply with theimmunization requirement has been identified and any barriers to accessingimmunizations have been removed.
Failure by the recipient to provide the required verification ofimmunizations shall result in a reduction in the amount of monthly assistancereceived from the TANF program until the required verification is provided.The reduction shall be fifty dollars for the first child and twenty-fivedollars for each additional child for whom verification is not provided.
Any person who becomes ineligible for TANF payments as a result of thisprovision shall nonetheless be considered a TANF recipient for all otherpurposes.
(1994, c. 188, § 63.1-105.2; 2002, c. 747.)