§ 63.2-605. Eligibility for TANF; parolees and probationers who fail drugtests.
Upon receipt of notification from a probation or parole officer that a TANFcaretaker under his supervision has failed a drug test, the local departmentshall provide future TANF cash benefits to such caretaker's assistance unitas protective or vendor payments to a third party payee for the benefit ofthe assistance unit. After twelve months, the local department may reinstatesuch caretaker as the payee for the assistance unit provided such caretakerhas failed no subsequent drug test within such twelve-month period. Anycaretaker who is reported to have failed a drug test under this section mayappeal such report, including the validity of any test results, pursuant to§§ 63.2-517, 63.2-518 and 63.2-519.
(1997, c. 526, § 63.1-105.8; 2002, c. 747.)