§ 63.2-607. Eligibility for TANF; minor parent residency.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, an unemancipated minor custodialparent may receive TANF for himself and his child only if the individual andhis child reside in the home maintained by his parent or person standing inloco parentis. For purposes of TANF eligibility determination, a minor whoreceives government-provided public assistance is not considered emancipatedunless married.
B. The provisions of subsection A shall not apply if:
1. The individual has no parent or person standing in loco parentis who isliving or whose whereabouts are known;
2. The local department determines that the physical or emotional health orsafety of the individual or his dependent child would be jeopardized if theindividual and dependent child lived in the same residence with theindividual's parent or the person standing in loco parentis for theindividual; or
3. The local department otherwise determines, in accordance with Boardregulations, that there is good cause for waiving the requirements ofsubsection A.
C. If the individual and his dependent child are not required to live withthe individual's parent or the person standing in loco parentis for theindividual, the local department shall assist the individual in locating anappropriate adult supervised supportive living arrangement taking intoconsideration the needs and concerns of the minor and thereafter shallrequire that the individual and his child reside in such living arrangementor an alternative appropriate arrangement as a condition of the continuedreceipt of TANF. If the local department is unable, after making diligentefforts, to locate any such appropriate living arrangement, it shall providecase management and other social services consistent with the best interestsof the individual and child who live independently.
(1995, c. 450, § 63.1-105.6; 2002, c. 747.)