§ 63.2-610. Participation in VIEW; coordinated services.
A. In administering VIEW, the Department shall ensure that local departmentsprovide delivery and coordination of all services through intensive casemanagement. VIEW participants shall be referred to a case manager. The casemanager shall fully explain VIEW to the participant and shall provide theparticipant with written materials explaining VIEW.
B. The Department shall assist local departments in improving the delivery ofservices, including intensive case management, through the utilization ofpublic, private and nonprofit organizations, to the extent permissible underfederal law.
C. The Department shall be responsible for the coordination of the intensivecase management. Job finding and job matching leading to independentemployment shall be facilitated by the Virginia Employment Commission and theDepartment of Business Assistance.
D. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, assisted by the Secretary ofCommerce and Trade, shall prepare and maintain an annual plan forcoordinating and integrating all appropriate services in order to promotesuccessful outcomes. The plan shall encourage the use of local and regionalservice providers and permit a variety of methods of providing services.Emphasis shall be placed on coordinating and integrating career counseling,job development, job training and skills, job placement, and academic andtechnical education. Public and private institutions of higher education andother agencies which offer similar or related services shall be invited toparticipate as fully as possible in developing, implementing and updating theannual coordination plan.
E. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall:
1. Increase public awareness of the federal earned income credit andencourage families who may be eligible to apply for this tax credit;
2. Pursue aggressive child-support initiatives as established by the GeneralAssembly;
3. Work with community providers to develop adoption, education, familyplanning, marriage, parenting, and training options for Program participants;
4. Increase public awareness of the tax advantages of relocating one'sresidence in order to secure employment;
5. Provide leadership for the development of community work experienceopportunities in VIEW;
6. Develop strategies to educate, assist and stimulate employers to hireparticipants and to provide community work experience opportunities, inconsultation with representatives of employers and relevant public andprivate agencies on the state and local level; and
7. Provide technical assistance to local departments to assist them inworking with employers in the community to develop job and community workexperience opportunities for participants.
(1994, cc. 858, 951, § 63.1-133.45; 1995, c. 450; 1996, cc. 589, 599; 1999,cc. 840, 855; 2002, c. 747.)