§ 63.2-612. Time limit on the receipt of TANF.
Unless otherwise exempt, VIEW participants and their families may receiveTANF financial assistance for a maximum of 24 months only, subject to §63.2-613. VIEW participants and their families may receive TANF financialassistance, if otherwise eligible, after a subsequent period of 24 months.However, the 24-month period of ineligibility shall not apply when a child isremoved from the parents' home as the result of a child protective servicesreport or complaint as defined in regulations promulgated by the Board and isplaced with a relative. In such cases, the relative with whom the child isplaced shall be eligible to receive TANF financial assistance immediately andwithout waiting for the 24-month period of ineligibility to run.
The local department shall notify a VIEW participant and his family that hisTANF financial assistance is scheduled to be terminated as provided in thissection. Notice shall be given 60 days prior to such termination and shallinform the VIEW participant and his family of the exception regulationsadopted by the Board and the procedure to be followed by the VIEW participantand his family if he believes that he is entitled to an extension of benefits.
(1994, cc. 858, 951, § 63.1-133.50; 1995, c. 450; 2002, c. 747; 2007, c. 568;2008, cc. 132, 564.)