§ 63.2-900.2. Placement of sibling groups; visitation.
All reasonable steps shall be taken to place siblings entrusted to the careof a local board or licensed child-placing agency, committed to the care of alocal board or agency by any court of competent jurisdiction, or placed witha local board or public agency through an agreement between a local board ora public agency and the parent, parents, or guardians, where legal custodyremains with the parent, parents, or guardian, together in the same fosterhome.
Where siblings are placed in separate foster homes, the local department,child-placing agency, or public agency shall develop a plan to encouragefrequent and regular visitation or communication between the siblings. Thevisitation or communication plan shall take into account the wishes of thechild, and shall specify the frequency of visitation or communication,identify the party responsible for encouraging that visits or communicationoccur, and state any other requirements or restrictions related to suchvisitation or communication as may be determined necessary by the localdepartment, child-placing agency, or public agency.
(2008, c. 397.)