§ 63.2-905.1. Independent living services.
Local departments and licensed child-placing agencies may provide independentliving services to any person between 18 and 21 years of age who is in theprocess of transitioning from foster care to self-sufficiency. Any person whowas committed or entrusted to a local board or licensed child-placing agencymay choose to discontinue receiving independent living services any timebefore his twenty-first birthday in accordance with regulations adopted bythe Board. The local board or licensed child-placing agency shall restoreindependent living services at the request of that person provided that (i)the person has not yet reached 21 years of age and (ii) the person hasentered into a written agreement, less than 60 days after independent livingservices have been discontinued, with the local board or licensedchild-placing agency regarding the terms and conditions of his receipt ofindependent living services. Local departments that provide independentliving services to persons between 18 and 21 years of age shall provide anyperson who chooses to leave foster care or terminate independent livingservices before his twenty-first birthday written notice of his right torequest restoration of independent living services in accordance with thissection by including such written notice in the person's transition plan.Such transition plan shall be created at least 90 days prior to the person'sdischarge from foster care. Local departments and licensed child-placingagencies may provide independent living services as part of the foster careservices provided to any child 14 years of age or older. All independentliving services shall be provided in accordance with regulations adopted bythe board.
(2004, c. 196; 2008, cc. 187, 475, 483; 2010, c. 257.)